Working out should make you feel uplifted, energized, and fulfilled. It should never make you feel depleted, exhausted and overworked. B The Method is designed to stretch, strengthen, relax, and release so that you are able to move your body every day without the risk of injury and fatigue. B The Method’s online program is a subscription service that provides you access to all of your favorite workouts on your own time. Also included in your subscription, and now available for purchase individually, are weekly live-streaming classes to join together as a community. Private sessions are a way to work one on one with me to discuss your personal goals and wellbeing while receiving pointed modifications to improve form and function. In person classes are the original format of B The Method. These classes are 60 minutes long with a highly curated weekly playlist.
My recommendation is that you find at least 4 days a week where you incorporate B The Method into your day whether you are able to give yourself 15, 30, or 60 minutes. Every series is full body so regardless of the time spent, you will see and feel the results after committing to yourself and this method.
Due to COVID, studio classes
are not available at this time.
Please check back for updates.
New York City
B The Method isn't just for every BODY, it's for EVERYBODY.
If you can't afford this subscription please email me at lia@bthemethod.com.